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Find the Difference Between Two Pictures for Adults

I've lived with my father, an old boyfriend, my best friend, a new boyfriend, and with my sister . . . and now I have my very own apartment!

Taking the right steps towards getting your first apartment will help you secure your dream spot independently.

Taking the right steps towards getting your first apartment will help you secure your dream spot independently.

I've been out of my dad's house since I was seventeen. I lived with an old boyfriend, my best friend, a new boyfriend, and my sister. After years of having no place to really call my own, I decided I was tired of it and that I was going to get my first apartment.

As I sit here in my lovely, little two-bedroom, third-floor apartment, I think about how overwhelming and stressful it was to get here. I had no guidance and no idea where to start, and that is why I wrote this article.

Adults make all kinds of assumptions about what young people should already know... things those young people have never been taught and have never had any experience in. I hope to shed some detailed light on how you, too, can accomplish the seemingly impossible feat of moving out on your own. I won't give you any unnecessary information and I'll try not to lecture. I just want you to know everything I know now to help you be fully prepared for what is to come.

How to Get Your First Apartment

When looking for an apartment, price is the first thing to consider, but price and location go hand-in-hand.

How old do you need to be to rent an apartment?

Only adults are legally allowed to sign rental contracts. Since most states set the age of adulthood at 18, this means that you can't rent until you're an adult, and landlords are legally allowed to refuse to rent to you if you're under 18.

I'm 17: Does that mean I can't rent?

There are exceptions.

  • For example, you might find a nice landlord that's willing to take a risk on you, even though it could hurt them in the long run (because if you can't pay, they have no legal recourse if you're not an adult).
  • Or if you're legally emancipated by the court, married, or in the military service, these circumstances might weigh in your favor.
  • Also, if you can get an adult to co-sign for you and promise to pay the rent if you can't, this can also allow a younger renter to proceed.

How much money do you need to make in order to afford to live alone?

Landlords have strict income requirements to protect themselves from deadbeat renters (and protect renters from taking on more than they can handle). Most apartment complexes require you to make 3 to 3.5 times the cost of rent to be even considered for approval. This is because they know that your other life expenses (food, transportation, utilities, health, etc.) will cost that much, so you won't be able to afford to pay rent if you don't make the minimum income requirement.

Which apartments can I afford?

  • If there is no elevator, the apartments on the upper floors will be cheaper because most people don't want to haul groceries up a flight of stairs.
  • An apartment close to stores and other conveniences will be considerably more expensive than one a little further away from a main street.
  • In general, a landlord will charge more if you smoke or have pets, since there will be more clean-up involved. Smoke- or pet-free apartments might cost a little less for this reason.
  • Consider the cost of safety. I know that really cheap apartments seem like the perfect place for a broke, young adult, but having things stolen can be really expensive and the cost of replacing stolen items should be considered. If a low-budget apartment is all you can really afford, I suggest you either find a roommate and a better area or practice extra safety measures for yourself and your car. Also, invest in a deadbolt!

Where should I look for apartments?

Ask your renting friends to keep their ears open for vacancies in their building. Craigslist is always a great resource, but keep in mind that some very sketchy people use Craigslist, so it's always a good idea to be careful. Bring a friend with you when you go to see a Craigslist listing, or at least let your loved ones know exactly where you are.

Different Types of Leases or Rental Contracts

If I have a roommate, whose name should go on the lease?

ALL of the tenant's names need to be on the lease! Seriously. This is a big one. This rule applies even if the roommate is your girlfriend, boyfriend, or best friend. If your roommate's name is not on the lease, they can leave you high and dry with a rent you most likely can't afford by yourself. If your credit is bad, then your roommate might sign the lease alone, but this leaves them legally and financially vulnerable, so they might not want to take that risk that for you. Also, a broken lease is really bad to have on your record and makes it a million times harder to rent another apartment. Seriously, trust me on this.

What about subleasing or subletting?

If you find someone who's already living in an apartment and wants to rent you a room—or the whole place, while they're out of town—without putting your name on the lease, this is known as subleasing or subletting. In this case you, as a subtenant, must pay the rent you agree to upfront and obey all the terms of the lease, but you're not ultimately contractually responsible if something goes wrong. On the other hand, since you didn't sign, you're not guaranteed a place, and they could kick you out whenever they want to.

Using your own furniture to decorate is rewarding!

Using your own furniture to decorate is rewarding!


Whom do you plan to live with? Is it with one friend or two? A boyfriend or girlfriend? Or even by yourself? Either way, you need to make sure that whoever you decide to take the plunge with is reliable, gainfully employed, and someone who isn't going to bail on you if things get tough.

What if I'm renting with my boyfriend or girlfriend?

I know it's tempting to want to move in with your boyfriend or girlfriend when you've been going out for a few months and hate to be apart, but please, please, please make sure you're ready to spend 6-12 months in a contract with your lover. Sure, not having to answer to parents' rules and the chance to create a little haven for just the two of you could be great, but just think about what happens if, in four months, the stress of bills, work, and who's gonna do the dishes finally get to you?

I am personally very happy with my choice to live with my boyfriend, but we'd already tested the waters at his parents' house. Not everyone is so lucky. If you think that you and your mate have enough stamina to move out together, that's great! More power to you and good luck! Just make sure you come to an agreement on what happens if you do decide to break up before the lease is up.

What if I'm renting with a friend (or more)?

This situation is not quite as risky as moving in with your significant other, but it still poses some possible problems. Living with too many people can get annoying. Sometimes my roommates want to have a party when all I want to do is watch tv in the living room. You both need to agree on how to deal with those situations, how you'll share the responsibilities, and whether or not you're going to buy food for the whole house or buy your own food. Make sure they are dependable!

Read More From Toughnickel

What if I want to live alone?

Wow, it takes guts to move out on your own. Although sometimes it can be harder to get approved if you have no credit, kudos to you if you can do it! Make sure you can do it on your own and stay safe. Not much advice I can give on that.

Questions to Ask When You're Looking at an Apartment

Go ahead and ask all the questions. It's better to ask too many questions than not enough. They should see it as a sign of responsibility.

  • Is there laundry on-site? Is it free, or will you have to pay to use the machines? If not, is there a laundromat in walking distance?
  • What's the water pressure like? Will there be enough hot water during peak hours?
  • Is the apartment noisy (traffic noise, noisy neighbors, dogs barking, etc.)?
  • Is there a resident manager on-site?
  • Is the area safe?
  • What is the parking situation? Is there a lot, are you assigned a space, does parking cost extra?
  • Is it close to transportation (bus or train)?

Other things to think about when you're viewing an apartment...

Consider bringing a tape measure so you can check to make sure your furniture will fit.

Questions to Ask a Roommate Before You Move In Together

  • What is your daily routine?
  • What are your priorities: work, play, or sleep?
  • Are you a morning person, or do you stay up late? Do you take naps?
  • Is sleeping difficult or easy? (Do you require total silence?)
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how tidy are you?
  • How will we divvy up the chores?
  • How often do you cook?
  • Will food be shared, or will we keep our food separate?
  • What's more annoying: a pile of stuff (clutter) or actual dirt and messes?
  • How warm (or cool) do you like to keep the apartment? Will you be turning on the heat or A/C?
  • Do you like loud music?
  • What will you use your home space for? (Work, parties, etc.)
  • Which space or objects are public (belonging to everyone) and which are personal?
  • Do you plan to have your girlfriend/boyfriend over? If so, how often?
  • Can we have overnight guests?
  • Will there be pets?
  • On a scale of one to 10, how modest are you?
  • What are your pet peeves?
  • How will you divvy up the shared expenses?

There's a free app called Splitwise (on the web, iPhone, and Android) that helps you track shared bills and expenses and automatically divide the cost so it's fair!

A lease is crucial!

A lease is crucial!

What Documents You'll Need to Get Your Own Apartment

Once you've found your ideal apartment, the really stressful stuff begins. You need to be approved by the leasing agents. Here are a few things they look at and what you need to qualify for most apartments.

  • You need to have your last three pay stubs and you must have held your current job for at least 6 months.
  • Your monthly income must equal 3-3.5 times the amount you'll be paying in rent.
  • You'll probably be asked to supply the names and contact info for both professional and personal references. These are people who will vouch that you are a responsible person.
  • They'll probably also want to know which bank you use and what balances you carry. They might ask to see those bank records.
  • Credit check. Landlords often charge applicants a fee to run their credit reports. Even if you don't get the apartment, you might have to pay this fee. This is a big one for most apartment complexes, especially for first-time renters.

How can I see my credit report?

There are three companies that track your credit: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. You can get one free copy of your credit report from each of them every year if you order online from or call 1-877-322-8228.

What if I don't know my credit score?

Even if you don't have any credit cards, you should check your credit score just to see what it says. If you don't have any credit at all, the report will come back without a score. But if you have a credit card or if you pay a car loan or student loans, you'll have a credit score.

What kind of credit score do I need to get an apartment?

If you don't have a good credit score, a landlord is not likely to rent to you. I don't have much credit history since I have never had a credit card, bought a car, paid bills, etc., and that almost prevented me from getting my apartment. Thankfully, one of my roommates had a good credit history and that saved us.

How can I get an apartment with bad or no credit?

If you don't have good credit, it's unlikely a landlord will rent to you. You'll have to find an apartment with friends who have good credit or ask a responsible adult to co-sign for you.

How can I improve my credit?

Before you move out of your parents' or guardian's home, you need to start building your credit.

  • Get a credit card and pay off your balance every month.
  • If you can't be approved for a credit card, consider asking a parent to co-sign a credit card with you or allowing you to be an authorized user of their credit card.
  • Learn what your credit score is and how to check it. Read Quickest & Best Ways to Improve Your Credit for more info.
  • Be responsible! I can't stress that enough. Not having credit is one thing, but having bad credit is another, and it will be very hard for you to rent if you have bad credit. What you do now affects you for the rest of your life. Bad credit honestly makes life so much harder than it has to be.

What Different Kinds of Rental Leases are There?

  • Most apartments have month-to-month leases and offer everyone flexibility. This means that either the renter (you) or the landlord can change or end the agreement at the end of each month. If no one renegotiates the contract you signed, the lease will automatically renew each month, though, so you don't have to keep signing new documents. To end this agreement, you have to give notice.
  • A fixed-term lease means you agree to stay and pay rent for an extended period of time (usually a year) and if you break this lease, you'll lose your deposits and the landlord can sue you. There is no guarantee you can stay after the year is up.

Is the Apartment Handled by a Property Management Company or By an Individual Landlord?

You'll want to know if the property is managed by a rental company or just an individual landlord. The company will probably be less hands-on, but sometimes it's nice to deal with an individual person. Either way, you'll want to do your research first to make sure there are no red flags. You can ask the other tenants of the building what their experience is, for example, or talk to the neighbors. Do a quick Google search of their company, name, or the rental's address to see what you can find out.

How Does the Rental Application Approval Process Work?

How long does rental approval take?

Approval can take from three days to three weeks, depending upon how fast you get all the information needed to the leasing agents and how quickly they complete it. For us, it took almost three weeks because we were not prepared and the four of us did not coordinate as well as we should have.

Are there any fees?

You will normally have to pay an administration fee, as they like to call it. It's basically paying them for the time spent trying to get you approved and check your income, employment, rental history, and references. Our administration fee was $45 for each signer of the lease.

What about a deposit?

After you are approved, you'll need to pay the security deposit. It is refunded when you move out, minus any damage repair costs or cleaning fees. We had a deposit of $250 due to our lack of credit.

How much will it cost to move into an apartment?

Add up the administration fee, the credit check fee, and the deposit, plus first and last month's rent, and that's the hefty sum you'll need to pay upfront before you can even get your hands on the keys.

Check all appliances before moving into a new place.

Check all appliances before moving into a new place.

Even after you've paid all the move-in fees and gotten your keys, there are more things you'll have to pay for up-front, like electricity, utilities, furniture, kitchen stuff, cleaning supplies, and additional expenses.

Electricity and Gas

When you are approved for your apartment, you will be required to have electricity and gas set up by the date you are scheduled to move in. Useful websites to check when choosing your electricity company are and Don't wait until last-minute to set this up because there is normally a 3-5 business day wait period until they can get out there and turn it on.

How much will electricity and gas cost, per month?

My electricity bill ranges from $125-$180. I have a two-bedroom and we rarely run the a/c, although we do use the heater during winter. I try to turn off the lights when no one is using them, but my roommates are not as careful.

Utilities (Water/Trash)

Apartments normally charge for water, sewage, and trash pick-up.

How much will utilities cost, per month?

These bills can range anywhere from $15-$50 a month. I pay roughly $25-$50 for water and trash. It is a little higher than most due to the fact that my complex uses allocated water which means my water bill is dependent on how much water the entire complex uses. A lot of apartments will charge a set fee, which may be better for those who will be living on a very strict budget.

Side note: I am by no means rich. Having three roommates softens the blow of these expenses. I end up paying $15 for my share of the water bill.

Internet and Cable

Don't forget to budget for int ernet and cable. You'll want to shop around to find the best deals before you decide which company to go with.


There are many ways to save money and still have all the functional furniture you need.

  • Try garage sales, Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, flea markets, or friends and family who have a couch or end table they don't want anymore.
  • Check Craigslist, where you'll often find great deals on items... some are even free!
  • Never underestimate the power of Febreze and a couch cover to revitalize that junky old couch on the curb. Look hard and you might come across some awesome finds!
  • You can also rent furniture. Sometimes, they offer package furniture rental deals that may even include a tv with a living room set. They offer financing programs that allow you to pay monthly installments.

Additional Expenses

Don't forget about everything else you need to allot money for in your budget. Here are the things I can think of that you will also be spending money on:

  • Food
  • Gas or transportation
  • Phone
  • Fun
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Kitchen pots, pans, and utensils
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Detergents and dish soaps
  • Plates/Bowls/Pans
  • Laundry

Set a realistic budget and get all the things you need before moving in. I suggest collecting them slowly over a few paychecks so the cost isn't so heavy when you're trying to pay for the deposit.

Take your rental agreement pet policy into consideration.

Take your rental agreement pet policy into consideration.

What If I Have a Pet... or Want One?

If you're just moving out of your parent's house, leave all the pets there if you can. If you don't have a pet but want one, I strongly suggest that you wait. I know you want the company of an animal friend, but you don't yet realize how expensive pets are: vet bills, vaccinations, food, litter... not to mention the fact that it'll be harder to find a place that allows pets and you'll have to pay additional, nonrefundable deposits. I assure you, taking care of yourself is going to be challenging enough. You don't need to take care of a pet, too!

What If My Rental Application Is Accepted? What's Next?

After you pay the hefty move-in costs and get your keys, don't forget to do the pre-move-in checklist. You and the rental agent should do a walk-through of the property with a checklist to make note of any damage. This is really important because if you don't make notes of all the chipped, broken, scraped, or damaged things you see, you could be blamed for them later and lose all or part of your security deposit.

Congratulations! You're officially on your own!

I may have missed a few things, or perhaps you want to ask specific questions in the comments section below. I'll try to answer as best I can. Thanks for reading and good luck!

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Shikeriastroman on September 08, 2020:


Alicia paasewe on December 27, 2019:

This really help me, but it was a little scary

c felske on December 19, 2019:

Good info

Morgan Johnson on September 05, 2019:

This helped me so much! Thank you!

Angela on August 17, 2019:

How can I get an apartment

hannahxdee (author) on June 15, 2019:

Brittany, glad this article helped! I haven't seen a ton of episodes of Big Bang Theory, but that might work. I'd definitely do some research on how well that contract would hold up if your roommate decided to bail & DEFINITELY have their name on the lease. If all else fails, maybe try renting a room in someone's home. Also, I've heard that people have good luck finding roommates on BumbleBFF so I would check that out! Good luck!

Brittany on June 15, 2019:

Hey, this was super helpful, thank you so much! I'm also looking for a roommate, but have no close friends. would it be risky to put out a flyer and do what Sheldon did in Big Bang Theory? (make a contract and take notes)

Natalie on May 28, 2019:

I'm 18 and make 350 every 2 weeks , is that enough to even get started ?

jaguar on January 16, 2019:

i love this page! so helpful

hannahxdee (author) on December 28, 2018:

Hailey, I would definitely save whatever money you can before moving out. Whether or not you should have roommates depends on your current salary. You want to be able to afford all of your bills AND put a little away in savings each month. If you can do that without roommates, then I'd say do that.

hannahxdee (author) on December 04, 2018:

Shar and Haygood902 - I'm so glad I could help! Good luck!

Shar on December 04, 2018:

This was waaaaaaaay helpful honestly. Ive been living with friends since I was 16 im currently 17 and now am staying with my boyfriend and we are planning to move out when I turn 18 in March. Im very scared but this made it a little more exciting thanks!

Haygood902 on September 05, 2018:

This was very helpful I am 17 I will be 18 in December, I have been thinking about moving out since I was 16. as soon as I turn 18 I am moving in with my boyfriend who is 19 this month and this would be the first I moved away from my sister its scary to think about she has been so close to me since my mom died 6 years ago. think you so much Hannah for the advice about money.

Destiny on October 16, 2017:

Hey im 15 years old im be 16 its dec. Im trying to get my own apartment how can I get my own apartment should'int I be able to get a apartment some how I have a job

Jaquanna on February 12, 2017:

Hey Dalton, I work at Chick-fil-A, too! And I'm in the exact same boat. Financing can be a major pain.

Dalton on January 20, 2017:

I'm 17 and plan on leaving as soon as I can. But I work at chick-fil-a making roughly $270 a check twice a month. All that sounds expensive, how do you do it only making $300

Ashley on December 20, 2016:

I am 16 and I have a lot planned for my future. I'll be 18 before I graduate and I am going to be moving.. to a different state. Well, if I get an apartment there, or at least try to get approved, will it be more difficult since I will have just moved there and will have just started my job or be applying?

Tatyana Gordon on December 09, 2016:

I'm 25 and with my first job, I work as a cashier at a wholesale club. I am pretty much homeless, had to move back in with an abuser I had left some six years ago. She is a available hoarder and I am literally sleeping on garbage, surrounded by more garbage. Since the job is seasonal, I can't really count on it as a steady income just yet. My shoes are falling apart, and it is just as cold inside this place as it is outside. Aside from sleeping in what feels like a tomb of garbage, I sleep on the floor. I can't use anything in the kitchen because it is inaccessible. I don't have good credit, but I'd be willing to live with roommates. I live in NYC, rent here is grossly expensive.

Christina S Phomsouvanh on November 27, 2016:

Hi im trying get my own place and never understood if i get approve i was looking at a 2 bedroom and they have a special saying 399 move you in. My credit is a 517 i dont own a car nor do i got a credit card i make roughly around 3000+ a month but how can i get in to any apt if my score 517 with no rent history

Jacquerria McDonald on November 08, 2016:

Hi I'm Jacquerria and me and my boyfriend we have been together for 3 years and 5 months decided to move in together and I was wondering with the application does he need to fill it out with me or can i fill it out and then add him to the lease ? what should I do ?

Arianna on September 19, 2016:

Hi Hannah! Currently I am 17, but I plan to move in with a friend or with my boyfriend by my birthday, which is in March. I wanted to know, when you're looking for a home where do you search? I've been using Zillow for the past 6 months. So do you get a realtor, search online? I am really looking forward to an answer!! Thank you??

hannahxdee (author) on August 27, 2015:

Hi Lexi! I completely understand where you are coming from. It sounds like you and your boyfriend are pretty serious, which is good when you're looking at making such a big commitment by moving in together. One word of advice though, girl-to-girl, if there is ANY doubt in your mind as to whether you two will break up during your lease, I seriously advise against moving in together. It happened to me and I ended up having a broken lease because of it. Believe do NOT want that. It truly sucks and makes renting again a million times harder.

Anyway, now that I'm done with the warnings let's jump right in!

Looking at your situation, it seems like it might be pretty tough for you two. I don't think it's impossible, but your best chance at renting your own apartment would be to get someone with good credit to cosign on your lease. This can be a family member, friend, etc. and would make the whole process a LOAD easier. If that is absolutely NOT an option, my second suggestion would be roommates. Especially someone with good credit.

Since you don't make very much, you can also try looking for low-income apartments in your area. I have seen some very nice ones near me! Go in and actually speak with someone. They can explain everything they'll need from you and most will try and work with you.

If the fact that you two have no credit and minimal job history ends up ruining your chances of renting in a complex right now, my last suggestion would be to try searching through craigslist for people who need roommates. They may not check your credit. In the meantime...get a SECURED credit card. You deposit your own money onto the card and it acts like a real credit card..Google it. It helped me IMMENSELY.

I hope this helped a little! Let me know if you have any more questions 

Lexi on August 27, 2015:


I have wanted to move out for quite some time now; however, I am only eighteen & this is my first year of college. My boyfriend & I have been together for four & a half years & are seriously looking to move out of our parents' houses & make a life of our own. He works for his Dad and has no credit while I just currently became employed in retail last month with no credit as well. We don't make much, but are willing to do whatever it may take to make this work! We have no clue where to begin - especially where getting approved is concerned. I've spent many hours researching my options, but not many people know what it is like to move out at such a young age with no guidance. I am hoping that your situation may shed some light on our own! I would love to know what advice you could give us - anything would be helpful! Thanks so much.

Caleb Hart from Provo, Utah on March 09, 2015:

I am just setting out on my own, and am going to be needing some help. I'm living with a brother, so I guess I'm not living with my parents anymore, but I'm still living with family. It's harder than it seems to make it on your own these days. I think it would be cool if I could room with my friends though.

Nora Moore on March 05, 2015:

That's true that apartments are usually cheaper if they aren't on the first floor. Figuring out roommates can be difficult, but if you can find someone reliable that will help keep things much more pleasant. My daughter is starting out on her own now, so I should tell her to make sure that her name as well as her roommate's need to be on the lease. I'm pretty sure that she will room with a friend, so at least that isn't as risky. I should show her this article.

Ashley on March 30, 2014:

So my fiancée and I are both in our early/mid twenties and want to get our own apartment. We've been looking, but finding the right person to rent out is the problem. I worked for 6 months and left my job for a better opportunity closer to home. I have been at my current job for about a month. My fiancée was working at a recruiting agency, but since you have to make sales and it is not a secure job, he found a better opportunity elsewhere and left after 3 months. Our credit score combined isn't that high, but it is fair. Mines is bad because of student loans and check system. I've done some research on how to get approved, but the answers I am getting are 50/50 chance we will get approved. Also, we want a safe environment and somewhere between $550-850. The higher the price, I am hoping some utilities are included. Also, both our jobs are sorta under the table so I know that a note from employers will be great. I just need some answers to know what to expect. We haven't gotten denied from any renters, but I want to prepare for the worse. Any advice on what to do?

hannahxdee (author) on January 24, 2014:

Hi Ambria! That's exciting that you are taking the first steps to moving out, and doing so responsibly! I would save up at least 3 months rent as an emergency fund in case someone loses their job. If there are three of the four people working, I would stick to a rent price of $900 or less. I'm not sure where you live, so that may be a good amount to work with or not. Problems might come up if there is one person not pulling their weight in the household.

Is it going to be all four of you sharing a car? It's possible, but probably not ideal. I would buy the car first (definitely) though.

While you are saving up, I also HIGHLY recommend all of you start buying household supplies (toilet paper, laundry/dish detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) and other items like pots and pans, oven mitts, etc. Look for deals and coupons and keep a nice little stock of those items so you don't need to shell out the money before you move out.

My only caution is to be COMPLETELY sure everyone will abide by the rules of the house. Some good ones to start with will be: Will food be shared or separate? (I suggest separate..makes things much simpler). What's the rule on leaving out dirty dishes? Who buys toilet paper?

Don't feel weird about setting rules and boundaries! It's a lot easier to figure everything out BEFORE everyone has signed a contract and someone decides they don't like the way someone wants these things to go. A broken lease will make it SO SO SO hard to rent again. Trust me!

I wish you a lot of luck in this, and let me know if you have any questions at all! Thanks for reading and I hope I could help :)

Ambria on January 23, 2014:

Hey, I'm Ambria. I'm 18 years old and plan to move into an apartment with my boyfriend, his best friend and my best friend. We just made this decision and we are also saving up for a car. I was wondering how many months we should save up before actually making that step to move out. (We make about 900 a month each) as we are young college students. with 3 of us working and saving. should we wait until we get a certain amount or get the car first. just seeking advice. thanks!

hannahxdee (author) on December 01, 2013:

Jill - that sounds pretty stressful! Let me know if you have any questions or situations you need help with. Good luck!

hannahxdee (author) on December 01, 2013:

Weston, I'm sorry! I didn't see your comment until today. Let me know if you need any help with moving out still!

jill on November 30, 2013:

I have been on the verge of panic getting my first apartment, im signing the lease and starting the move tomorrow. Unfortunately this is way sooner then I planned, its all going to be last minute because he needs his stuff (stuff we need) out by tommorrow. We don't even have electricity on. My bf's pissed because hes helping and has to stay the night. I bought candles n stuff... I guess we'll have pizza tommorrow night. Haha sitting at work stressing about all this is driving me crazy. I wish I cold have done this more perfectly. Im already annoyed with my roommate, but Im gonna have to learn that not everything can go my way! Still the feeling of independence will be worth it all. A place that is my own.

weston on June 13, 2013:

hi im 17 and im thinking of moving out but i have no clue what im doing and i moved around to much so i don't have anyone that would be my roommate i am thinking about moving out to where my girlfriend lives but i don't know if ill be able to get an apartment and if i could make it on miniamum wag. my mom has us moving around a lot and i just want to settle down in my own place close to my love but she cant move in till she is 18 so im on my own for a couple months what do u thing i should do

princess on June 06, 2012:

Very helpful!!!!!

Andrew on July 02, 2011:

Hello again Hannah. I can't believe it's been around a month and a half since I started to take moving out seriously. So many things have changed at such a rapid rate. Believe it or not, I'm actually closing 'my' condo on Monday - July 4th! Insane isn't it? I'm still very nervous and scared, but this time, it's accompanied with a sense of excitement and even a bit of pride---something that means more to me than others. I think I may actually come out okay. Once again, I'm so grateful to have come across your article. Of all the items I've read and the professionals (Lawyer, Realtor, Mortgage Specialist, etc.) who I've worked with, you have been the most helpful. Thank you once again for sharing your advice and insights! You are awesome ;)

hannahxdee (author) on May 20, 2011:

Andrew! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm glad my article gave your more confidence to be out on your own. How is that going by the way? I know it's hard moving out on your own, especially if you have no one who will give you a specific or honest answer. So, honestly..feel free to ask me anything if your need it and good luck!

Andrew on May 14, 2011:

Hi Hannah. Thank you very much for writing this article. It's the first one that I've actually come across that really 'connected'. I've had low self esteem my whole life and I'm finally at a place where I have enough courage to venture out on my own and be independent. The thought of being independent scares the living hell out of me but your article gave me a bit more confidence to move on. Thank you once again.

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