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Scarf See Him Again Christmas Day

Doorsteps are e'er cold in winter, beyond the warmth of modern central heating systems. They mark the border between the harshness of wintry weather and cosy homes. On one side of this edge is Michael'due south kingdom; he never crosses a doorstep these days.

Michael knows a lot virtually doorsteps. He'd spent a big role of the summer sitting on them, minding his own business as he tucked into fast-food minimeals rescued from street bins. He'd hosted several parties on doorsteps in the warmth of July and August. It wasn't hard to find a building whose doorstep rarely, if ever, welcomed a well-shod pes.

  • harshness of wintry weather = the cold power of wintertime weather
  • tucked into = ate
  • rescued from street bins = taken from rubbish bins on the street
  • well-shod foot = a foot in a shoe of skilful quality

Michael's summertime guests had long since drifted away to find, perhaps, their ain doorsteps. Michael wasn't ane to dwell on life'southward unfolding; the summer was long gone. Now a nasty current of air whipped at his face, his only defence a squinting of his watery optics. His olfactory organ took the worst of it. Ears were snug under a grubby cap, but he'd lost his tatty, woollen scarf in a moment of carelessness during the comfort of autumn.

How Michael now wished for that scarf.

A Christmas story

  • drifted away = moved slowly to another place
  • wasn't one to dwell on life'due south unfolding = didn't live in the by
  • nasty air current whipped at his face = cold wind blew in his face
  • a squinting of his watery eyes = near closing his common cold eyes
  • snug under a grubby cap = warm under a muddy cap
  • tatty, woollen scarf = old scarf made of wool
  • moment of carelessness = not being careful for a sort time
  • how (he) wished for = how very much he wanted

"Hello, Michael! Quite a nip in the air!"

Andrew was a human being interested mainly in the atmospheric condition, the state of his feet, and the absence of pennies from his pocket.

"Howdy, Andrew. You found whatever good shoes yet?"

"Shoes? You ask me most shoes, Michael? There'southward aught in the bins if you don't get to them before half-dozen in the morn! Even those with work are out binning these days. Children must be fed, and although shoes are non in themselves the tastiest item on a carte, the money thus saved does put potatoes on a plate!"

Michael drifted away when Andrew suddenly forced himself on a passer-by, in the hope of getting something; a cigarette, a kind give-and-take, a smiling, one-half a sandwich. Coin would be nice, patently. Michael had not even so resorted to begging.

  • Quite a nip in the air = Quite cold conditions
  • absence of pennies = not any pennies
  • binning = looking for things in the bins
  • thus = in this fashion
  • drifted away = moved slowly to another place
  • resorted to begging = decided to ask people for money

"Once in royal David's city...."

Trumpets blared out the good news to impatient shoppers bustling about in festive obligation; presents sought, coffees sipped, beers supped. People with protected noses flocked together in an explosion of well-marketed goodwill.

Michael wanted a scarf more than anything in the globe. Should every trumpeter on the planet boom out in unison to the glory of beloved and joy, the tip of Michael'due south olfactory organ would be none the happier.

This was getting serious. Desire was dorsum!

A Christmas story

  • blared out = made a loud sound
  • bustling about in festive obligation = people moving around in crowds, doing what they have to do earlier Christmas
  • presents sought, coffees sipped, beers supped = presents looked for, coffees drunk slowly, beers boozer
  • with protected noses flocked together = with noses warm backside scarves and meeting like a lot of sheep or birds
  • well-marketed goodwill = the proficient feeling become when buying presents advertised in the media
  • blast out in unison = play the same music loudly and together

He wanted to feel soft silk, on his own rough neck too long exposed on a body too long enclosed in rags scavenged, ordinarily sopping and grimy, in corners explored only past those desperate for anything at all. Michael had felt such scarves, and had kissed the necks of the ladies wrapped in them, but information technology was a long time agone. Had the vicious wind backed off for a moment, he might have gone on to call up that no two scarves had always smelt the aforementioned.

  • rough neck too long exposed = a neck which has not been protected from cold air current and whose skin is not soft
  • enclosed in rags scavenged, usually sopping and grimy = wearing old clothes that accept been thrown away, that are commonly very wet and muddied
  • wrapped in them = wearing them

Information technology was a long time ago.

A long fourth dimension since Michael has crossed the doorstep of a restaurant. A long fourth dimension since he'd helped a lady out of her coat and hung it advisedly on the stand up earlier pulling out for her, quite charmingly, a comfortable chair. So very long since he'd perused a wine listing, pondered a carte du jour, gazed into sparkling eyes and basked in the glow of a friendly face.

  • helped a lady out of her coat = helped a lady to take off her coat
  • perused = examined
  • pondered = thought virtually
  • gazed into sparkling eyes and basked in the glow of = looked for a long time at brilliant eyes and enjoyed the soft warmth of

"Hey, I told you yesterday, don't hang around at the front. The punters don't like information technology. In that location's some fresh stuff in the bins at the back. Help yourself, but you'd better be quick. Hang on a minute..."

Michael hung on.

"A guy left most of his wine. Take it."

Michael took the bottle. He hadn't touched alcohol for a while, but appreciated the gesture.


"A Merry Christmas to you!"

"And to you, my friend!"

  • hang effectually = stand somewhere for some time but non doing anything
  • punters = customers
  • hang on = wait
  • touched = drunkard
  • appreciated the gesture = pleased with a kind thought

Michael headed off towards a park he liked, and sat on a bench in front of a lively, illuminated fountain.

So long ago, he thought.

Two men saturday on the bench next to his, waffling on about engine issues.

"If you're on diesel and it'southward running crude, you should check the glow plugs. First thing I look at, every time."

Michael took a reckless gulp of the wine, and felt his blood warm. A dangerous warmth, he knew, simply any warmth was skillful warmth. He felt the surge of faux confidence he'd expected.

  • headed off = started to become
  • waffling on = talking a lot in an uninteresting manner
  • glow plugs = parts of an engine that get hot to make information technology kickoff
  • reckless gulp of the wine = drinking a mouthful of wine but not thinking about the negative effects
  • surge of false confidence = a sudden feeling of being more in control than y'all really are

"Excuse me, if I may intrude, simply the land of the glow plugs doesn't bear on the running of the engine. A diesel fuel engine has a college compression ratio to that of a petrol engine, and information technology's this compression that causes the ignition of the air and fuel mixture when the engine is hot. The glow plugs provide the initial combustion, when the engine is cold. After that, they just sit down at that place doing goose egg at all."

"Really?" said one of the men. "I thought they were similar spark plugs."

"So did I," said the other.

"No, their function is totally different. You'd do well to check for a leak around the head gasket, or perhaps at the intake manifold. Could be a valve or two needing a grind, and that's never a quickie."

"Well, thanks a agglomeration for the tip. I'll have a give-and-take with a guy I know. Merry Christmas!"

"My pleasure. A Merry Christmas to you!"

  • intrude = join in a conversation without invitation
  • only the state...[] = the condition (quondam, broken)
  • thank you a agglomeration for the tip = thanks very much for the advice

Michael drank a piddling more and stuffed the bottle into his deepest pocket. As he walked abroad, he felt the wine flood his system, felt it crash into his encephalon and splash a smile on to his face. He watched a restless population grind itself downwards into the pavements.

"They'll drown if they don't bustle up."

Michael found himself fancying a warm tram ride. He might go caught without a ticket, in which case he'd fumble virtually in his pockets whilst mumbling something or other, and hope for the best.

  • stuffed = put past pushing down
  • a restless population grind itself down into the pavements = busy shoppers walking effectually so much that they sink into the pavements
  • constitute himself fancying a warm tram ride = decided to have a warm ride on a tram
  • he'd bollix well-nigh in his pockets whilst mumbling something or other = he'd endeavour to find something in his pockets as he said something that was difficult to understand

He took a seat behind a couple busy lambasting someone who'd crossed one of them. They agreed that hell would be too good a place for the wretch.

"Excuse me," said Michael, leaning forrad but mindful of the booze on his breath. "One should never estimate another until one has walked a week in their shoes."

  • busy lambasting someone who'd crossed i of them = talking in a disquisitional way about a man who'd done something wrong to one of them
  • hell would be too good a identify for the wretch = hell would not be bad enough for the unpopular person
  • walked a week in their shoes = to put yourself in the situation of another

"What? What's shoes got to practise with it?"

"Well, one doesn't know who another person is. The only way to notice out is to wear their shoes for a calendar week, to become them, and find out who they actually are. It's merely then that one tin judge."

"Just I can't put someone else'due south shoes on for a week and go them. That's nonsense!"

"Exactly!" said Michael.

"Wow! I see what you mean. So nosotros can never judge some other. That'due south cool! Isn't that the coolest thing you've always heard, Dave?"

"I suppose socks would do. Wear someone else's socks for a calendar week. Would that piece of work?"

"I remember it might, if you lot could get your hands on their socks. And your feet into them."

They all laughed, and Michael got off the tram at the next end. He took a last swig of wine, and carefully placed the bottle upright in a bin for someone to detect what was left.

"Naughty, Michael! You should know better. It was fun, though, and information technology is Christmas after all, isn't it?"

  • last swig of vino = last drinkable of wine

On a nameless street, to the pulsing beat of a shameless heart, Michael grinned himself forward. But as his thoughts were turning toward the finding of a refuge for the night, a machine pulled up abruptly beside him. A lady got out and began to take bags and boxes from the dorsum seat. She wasn't looking too relaxed, thought Michael.

"Excuse me, ma'am, may I help you lot?"

"Oh, could you? I've had such a twenty-four hours, and the traffic is horrendous, but that's to be expected merely earlier Christmas, isn't it? If yous could take this bag while I key in the numbers."

The lady keyed in the numbers, and Michael stood by every bit she opened the door before stepping forward to hold it.

"Cheers and so very much. Are you ane of those people who launder machine windows at traffic lights? I always give them a pound or 2. Hither you are, call it a Christmas present."

A ten pound note drifted in wearisome motion from handbag to manus.

  • the pulsing beat of a shameless heart = the rhythm of the heart of a person who is not embarrassed about their deportment
  • ​his thoughts were turning toward the finding of a refuge for the night = started to think near where he could sleep
  • horrendous = terrible
  • key in the numbers = to operate an electrical arrangement by using a lawmaking
  • stepping forward = moving forwards just a little
  • drifted in deadening motility = moved slowly from 1 place to another

"Merry Christmas!" said Michael, otherwise lost for words in a heady slipstream of sweet perfume.

"And to y'all!"

As the door closed, Michael pounced forrad to try to stop the lady'due south scarf becoming trapped. He was too late. It hung downwards on each side of the closed door.

Michael watched the lady disappear into the lift. A stream of thought almost right and wrong sped through his heed. Then he pulled on the scarf, and it slid in its entirety into his hands.

Soft silk.

A Christmas story

  • otherwise lost for words in a heady slipstream of sweetness perfume = unable to say anything else when enjoying the odour of overnice perfume
  • pounced forward = moved forwards suddenly
  • lady's scarf condign trapped = lady's scarf in a situation that makes it impossible to put information technology somewhere else
  • disappear = go
  • stream of idea ... sped through his listen = many thoughts quickly going through his mind
  • slid in its entirety into his hands = it all came into his easily

"Abroad in a manger, no crib for a bed…"

Michael turned to look along the street, to where the niggling brass band had settled on a flight of steps outside a church. Michael was all of a sudden back on stage as a shepherd in a schoolhouse nativity play.

Information technology was a long time ago, and a fourth dimension of learning; the departure betwixt good and bad, between right and incorrect.

He turned back to the door and began to knock on the glass.

"Yes?" boomed a serious vocalism as its possessor peered at Michael from behind the closed door. Michael held upwards the scarf, and pointed in turn to the lady'due south auto, to the door frame and to the lift. The man on the other side of the door seemed to empathize.


Michael watched the man pace over to a desk and pick up a phone. A few minutes later the lady came out of the lift and walked over to the door. Michael held up the scarf and watched the door swing open.

  • little brass band = a small band whose members play current of air instruments made of brass
  • had settled on a flight of steps = had stopped and stood on some steps
  • boomed = spoke loudly
  • peered = looked
  • ​step over = walk with long steps to a identify

"Your scarf, ma'am. It got trapped in the door."

"Oh, thank you so much! I've simply made such a mess with my bags, looking for it. It belonged to my mother, she died earlier this year, not long after my husband passed away. I love the cold weather these days, and then I can vesture it. It yet has the olfactory property of her perfume, I think it e'er will take. It'due south one of the few things I have that helps with the loneliness."

The lady took out a handkerchief as Michael handed her the scarf, and she gently dried her eyes. The rest of the world dissolved when he noticed the little pink heart embroidered on one corner of the handkerchief, forth with the initials Yes.

  • passed away = died
  • dissolved = to disappear, like when saccharide is put into hot tea


"I'm sorry? What did you say?"

"Yvonne. The respond was always 'Yeah', our little joke."

Michael smiled.

"YES, I will e'er love yous."

Michael looked into the lady's eyes.

"Yvonne Emily Saunders. You notwithstanding have the handkerchief, after all these years."


"Yes. And, still, Yep."

Two hearts, a cold doorstep, and flakes of snowfall falling on to warm trumpets melted in the Christmas arctic.

A Christmas story
